
One of the best and the most beautiful features of the Persian garden is the integration of the building with the garden and these are sometimes so mixed that it can’t be felt where the gardening has ended and where it has begun. In the Iranian garden, it doesn’t separate the garden space, but the form and the facade, the material and the color is such that it is never separately, but the beauty of the fit, the proportion of its form, as well as the colors of materials with the garden is interwoven that human sight would not easily pass. Iranians in gardening, like other arts, avoided futility, and that’s the reason their use of vegetation they were logical and never planted without reason.


Iranian architecture of the Qajar era is also strongly influenced by other European arts. Architects adapted the forms and elements of the architecture and fantastic structure of the European gardens and combined with Iranian structure then implemented it. This place, also made as a greenhouse, is an adaptation of the French architecture and gardening, which has been the site for the cultivation and maintenance of flowers for use for the field.

At the time when Amir Heshmat was present at the castle, the gardener was obligated to decorate the steps of the central mansion and decorated the courtyard and around the pool with numerous pots.

According to the greenhouse architecture and the existence of large windows with colorful glass, sunlight enters the greenhouse from three angles and creates a beautiful effect on the floor.

The fireplaces embedded in the northern wall of the greenhouse were used in the winter to keep the greenhouse warm. The atmosphere and small water dock are in the middle of the greenhouse, which was filled with water from the aqueduct in the past.

Florist Room

 This room is located next to the greenhouse and establishment place of the gardener or in the so-called customary of that time, ‘Golkar’ along with his family. At the time of Amir Heshmat, as the family name was not yet added to the names of the people, and because the work in the castle was of great reputation and importance to the public, and it was not happened to work there for everyone, the occupation of people in the castle was used as their name suffixes. Someone who has been worked in the greenhouse was also known him in credit of his work. Ali Akbar Golkar has been the last person to undertake the task in the castle. The florist (Golkar) was forced to take care of flowers in the greenhouse 24 hours a day in the castle at all times of the day, and he was appropriate to plant and maintain new flowers during the seasons, and during the presence of Amir Heshmat or special guests in the castle, He should put pots of flowers Places different from the entrances and stairways and beside the pools.